
Учетная политика РБ


The Draft Tax Code provides for changes to the procedure for the submission of a statement of accounting policy to the tax authorities from 2024. *According to the current legislation, the deadline for the submission of a statement of accounting policy for the current year is 31 March of the…
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Рейтинг аудиторских компаний

Rating of audit organizations for 2023

Chief Accountant magazine has published the rating of audit companies in Belarus for 2023, and we are in the top again! Every year the Chief Accountant magazine compiles a rating of the best audit organizations based on the information submitted by organizations to the magazine’s editorial board. For the second…
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The amount of net assets at the end of 2021!

First: according to the norms of the Law on economic societies, the Civil Code, if at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year the value of the net assets of the company turns out to be less than the statutory fund, this company is obliged, no later…
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Информация об аудите в Минфин

Amendments to the Accounting and Reporting Law

The Ministry of Finance has developed a draft Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Amendments to Laws on Accounting and Reporting Issues”. The document has already been adopted in the first reading by the House of Representatives of the National Assembly. What innovations are expected in the "main law…
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